Design and development of transport ans release systems for new ruthenium compounds withantitumor action

Acronym: RuSYST

PT-PCCA / PN-II contract 136/2012 (Biotehnology)
Design and development of transport ans release systems for new ruthenium compounds with
antitumor action (acronym RuSYST), 2012 – 2016
Partners: Project leader CO – Faculty of Pharmacy from Carol Davila University of Medicine
and Pharmacy (project CO director prof. Valentina Uivarosi), Project partner P3 – Stefan S.
Nicolau Institute of Virology (project P1 director dr. Mirela Mihaila)
Working team: Mirela Mihaila, Lorelei Irina Brasoveanu, Marinela Bostan, Mia Camelia
Hotnog, Viviana Roman, Elena Nicolae, Aneta Doncea
Funding: Stefan S. Nicolau Institute of Virology – 200000 lei
Abstract and aims:
The project was proposed as a complex interdisciplinary approach aimed at developing
pharmaceutical models with significant antitumor activity and minimal side effects. Three
systems including some ruthenium complex were studied on the project regarding solubility,
ability to transport and release the active substance to the final site of action, antitumor activity
and side effects. The final goal of the project was to select the system that best fulfill the
requirements regarding bioavailability and pharmaco-toxicological properties for future inclusion
in clinical trials of the studied ruthenium complexes. Three of these complexes were included in
the present project, with quinolone ligands belonging to a different generation, namely pipemidic
acid (first generation quinolone), nalidixic acid (second generation) and levofloxacin (third
generation). Through this selection we aimed to study the influence of the chemical and
pharmacological properties of the ligand on the biological activities of the vehicle complexes as
systems with established solubility.
OSIM nr. A00944/29.11.2016 (BOPI nr. 5/30.05.2022): Uivarosi V., Arama C.C., Barbuceanu
S.F., Brasoveanu L.I., Mihaila M.A., Badea E.M., Olar R.M. Complecşi de asociere
hidroxipropil-b-ciclodextrina/compusi de ruteniu si utilizare terapeutica, aprobat in 2017


  1. Mirela Mihaila, Camelia Mia Hotnog, Marinela Bostan, Alexandra Cristina Munteanu, Ileana
    Adela Vacaroiu, Lorelei Irina Brasoveanu, Valentina Uivarosi. Anticancer activity of some ruthenium (III) complexes with quinolone antibiotics: In vitro cytotoxicity, cell cycle modulation, and apoptosis-inducing properties in LoVo colon cancer cell line. Appl. Sci., 11(18), 8594-8613, 2021,
  2. Mirela Mihaila, Camelia Hotnog, Viviana Roman, Marinela Bostan, Valentina Uivarosi,
    Lorelei I. Brasoveanu. Ruthenium (III) compounds as potential therapeutic agents in human
    colorectal cancer. Scientific Days of Oncology Institute Bucharest: “The Multidisciplinary
    Approach of the Oncological Patient”, 17 – 19 mai 2018, Bucuresti, Oncolog-Hematolog anul
    XII, 43(2), 41, doi: 10.26416/OnHe.43.2.2018, 2018, ISSN 2066-8716
  3. Mirela Mihaila, Camelia Hotnog, Viviana Roman, Marinela Bostan, Valentina Uivarosi,
    Lorelei I. Brasoveanu. Biological effects of ruthenium (III) compounds associated to
    cyclodextrins in human colorectal cancer. Congresul National al Federatiei Societatilor Romane
    de Cancer, pp. 48, Sinaia, 4 – 6 octombrie 2018
  4. Mirela Mihaila, Camelia Hotnog, Marinela Bostan, Valentina Uivarosi, Lorelei I. Brasoveanu.
    Biological activity of novel ruthenium (III) complexes with co-solvents. Al XI-lea Congres
    National de Citometrie (cu participare internationala), Bucuresti, pp. 103-106, 19 – 21 octombrie
  5. Mirela Mihaila, Camelia Hotnog, Viviana Roman, Marinela Bostan, Valentina Uivarosi,
    Lorelei I. Brasoveanu. Evaluation of anti-tumor activity of ruthenium (III) complexes with co-
    solvents through modern techniques. Conferinta Institutului Regional de Oncologie Iasi (cu
    participare internationala), Iasi, 23 – 26 noiembrie 2017
