POSTS published by the IVN team

2020, December

Institute of Virology from Romania created on its site the page of STAMINA project, where project implementation team posted some general information like summary of the project, launch announcement, link to the STAMINA project.

2021, January

IVN is happy to announce a new project, PERISCOPE, which plans to contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of the outbreak, by consideration of different viewpoints: clinic, epidemiologic, humanistic, psychologic, socioeconomic, political, statistical and technological.

2021, February

In the journal Medicine, 56 (11), 600 (IF=1.205) was published the work “Histological Aspects and Quantitative Assessment of Ki67 as Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer Patients: Result from a Single-Center, Cross Sectional Study”, one of the authors being a member of the IVN team as part of the STAMINA project.

2021, March

Partner “Stefan S. Nicolau” Institute of Virology prepared and published in the prestigious portal an informative material in order to disseminate essential information about STAMINA project. The information were related to: project title, objectives, source of funding, general context of the project initiative, Romanian dedicated STAMINA web pages, causes of difficult management of cross-border health threats, tools implemented by the project.;;;

2021, April

Until now INV-Ro had several posts with STAMINA project on linkedIn and twitter that attracted around 805 visualisations (linkedIn) and 276 (twitter). Two members of the team published four articles indexed ISI with acknowledgements’ to STAMINA project that gathered three citations indexed within Web of Science Core Collection.

Manolescu Loredana on LinkedIn: Manolescu Loredana – STAMINA IVN-Ro team member = The pandemic clock;

Manolescu Loredana auf LinkedIn: SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Seven Childbearing Women at the Moment of;

Manolescu Loredana sur LinkedIn :;;;;;;

2021, May

IVN made a folding/flyer with the presentation of the STAMINA project . These will be distributed through our partners Red Cross Bucharest District 5 Branch (200 pieces) and BEIA (50 pieces). A member of the IVN team will send the folding/flyer to several medical units in the country (200 pieces).

The team of researchers from the IVN partner in the STAMINA project participated in the public consultation for a new European authority, completing the document European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) Public Consultation, in all 23 chapters.;

2021, June

IVN-Ro complied with the request of ethics advisory board regarding on how the bio-tools and SmarKo devices can be used by trial owners in their trials. The provided answers contribute to the clarification of what is expected to be accomplished around these tools, how and why the tools should be used in specific ways within STAMINA.

On 7th of June IVN-Ro has a bilateral meeting with CPLAN on how CrisisHub can be used in a trial, with accent on creating plans / response planning prior to a crisis, making checklists and situation reports, decision making agenda’s or (re-)allocation of resources. The organizers answered the questions of the Romanian participants regarding crisis management tools.

2021, July

At The 1st International Electronic Conference on Medicine, a team of authors involving researchers from IVN-Ro presented the paper “Medico-Social Implications of Pregnancy in Teenager Mothers”. The study concludes that educational programs on this item must exist in rural and urban schools and communities, and a better management and multidisciplinary approach is needed.

Between IVN and TRI took place a meeting on potential use of STAMINA AIR model in Romanian Trial. If the AIR model, developed to predict an E. coli infection, can be extended to infectious agents such as viruses, this model will be taken into account for the design of the Romanian trial. During the meeting, the availability of medical data from centralized databases or at the hospital level was signaled.

In a bilateral videoconference IVN presented to the support team development stage of the Romanian TRIAL. Basis of the discussions were the materials prepared and sent by IVN to the support team, later posted in SharePoint (Romanian Trial). Topics covered: timeline, hypotheses for the scenario, actions in the scenario, objectives, gap and solution.

2021, August

On the STAMINA project page from the IVN-Ro website, 2 sections were created, one dedicated to dissemination (organized events or participation in events) and the other to the workspace for partners (different activities in which the IVN-Ro team and STAMINA project experts exchange ideas on the tasks in the project work packages).

IVN-Ro team (Loredana Manolescu, PhD) rganized the workshop “Sampling in SARS-CoV-2 infection” addressed to the medical students in Nursing and Midwifery in which organizers presented the methods/ways of sampling of SARS-CoV-2 specimens. Participants in the workshop had the opportunity to clarify any misunderstanding regarding the presented procedures. The STAMINA project ( was popularized during the Workshop.

Manolescu Loredana – STAMINA IVN-Ro team member = The pandemic clock is ticking; we just don’t know what time it is! In the Institute of “Virology Stefan S. Nicolau” from Romania ( ) we believe that preparedness is the key! STAMINA project ( ) is the best tool for that. Please learn from STAMINA project. We invite you to read also: SARS-CoV-2 Infec.0tion in Seven Childbearing Women at the Moment of Delivery, a Romanian Experience about a Romanian experience throughout the current SARS-CoV2 pandemic. Folowers:309 (August,02,2021).




2021, September 

IVN team sent scientific papers for dissemination of STAMINA project specific information to the 9th edition of The Congress of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest, 25-27 November 2021, Bucharest Romania ( and 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, 4-6 November 2021, Iasi, Romania (

2021, October

The attributions of the stakeholders involved in crisis management in Romania were synthesized and posted by the IVN team as working material for the Trial integration Meeting.

2021, November

IVN team presented at the 20th RoEduNet Conference Networking in Education and Research, 4 – 6 November 2021, Iasy, Romania, two papers # 15: Solutions for improving the medical crisis situations management in Romania and # 17: Online school – challenging the pandemic coronavirus, in the Social Aspects of Networking Environment section Today.

#15: Solutions for improvement the medical crisis situations management in Romania – Presentation

#17: Online school – challenging the coronavirus pandemic  – Presentation

2021, December

At the 9th edition of The Congress of The University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest IVN team presented 6 papers that address the team’s approaches in executing and evaluating a table-top trial for simulate the management of an influenza pandemic and the lessons learned in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

– STAMINA lessons applied in the current pandemic: Nurse role in influenza prophylaxis (ID 195)

– Role of medical staff in promoting COVID-19 vaccination, STAMINA lessons (ID 196)

– Knowledge, attitudes, practices of pregnant women from Romania regarding TORCH infection testing, Stamina lessons (ID 197)

– Who is doing what in a trial executed as a table-top exercise (ID 247

– Contributions to the STAMINA project – Demonstration of an intelligent decision support for prediction and management of pandemic crisis in Europe (ID 249)

– Key performance indicators for evaluation of a medical crisis (ID 251)

2022, January

 IVN team published in IEEE publishing house 2 scientific papers presented to the RoEduNet 2021

A. Necsulescu, C. N. Zaharia, M. C. Radu, A. Nuta, A. C. Boeru and L. S. C. Manolescu, “Online school – challenging the coronavirus pandemic,” 2021 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/RoEduNet54112.2021.9638280.

Solution for healthcare crisis management improvement in Romania
T. V. Patancius, A. Anagnostou, C. v. d. Ham and C. N. Zaharia, “Solution for healthcare crisis management improvement in Romania,” 2021 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/RoEduNet54112.2021.9637721

2022, February

On 27th of January IVN-Ro, as trial owner, deployed Trial Integration Meeting. The event was attended by 39 participants. To the invitation responded representatives from the 11 tool owners selected for Trial-Ro (DMHT, IPT, SmartKo, WSMA, FACS, EWS, CrisisHub, CHARM, ENGAGE, EMT and PPT). The discussions were focused on several aspects regarding the use of tools in the context of the proposed scenario and how the tools can be tested in a table-top exercise. 

2022, March

The activity of IVN team was focused in this month on preparing the meeting with the SmarKo device owner. Considering that this device is suitable for in field trials because it collects in real time biological signs of its wearer (e.g. skin temperature, oxygen saturation, heart rate), IVN team requested to this tool owner to develop a simulation interface which will allow parameters viewing. The request has been accepted, details about the emulator interface being available on the website

2022, April

During the April month IVN team organized two bilateral meetings with solution providers from SmarKo device and Early Warning System, which have had as objective disscutins on the integration possibilities of this two tools in IVN-Ro trial executed as a table top exercise. In the meetings IVN-Ro formulated questions having as aim mainly obtaining information about the simulation possibilities and identifying the requirements/needs of these tools in order to be integrated in the IVN-Ro trial. _18_04_2022_z.pdf _19_04_2022.pdf

2022, May

IVN-Ro accepted the invitation of the STAMINA partner PLV – Spain to participate in the First International Summit on Pandemic Management, organized on the occasion of the Spanish trial and held on 18th of May in Valencia. For this event, IVN-Ro proposed Dr. Simona Parvu, General Director of the Institute of Public Health in Bucharest, to participate as invited speaker in Panel 2 where she presented the paper entitled “Lessons learned from the current pandemic crisis – Romania”. Images from the presentation can be found on the site %202022%20EN.pdf

The First International Summit on Pandemic Management (

2022, June

IVN developed a study on SmarKo tool, in which 500 devices were simulated, each of them being identified by a unique number (correlated with the device’s MAC). The approach proposed by us allows a very fast identification of outbreaks through images on the map in which the SmarKo wearers are from the warning and alert groups.

2022, July

IVN team developed a study based on the GPS coordinates of the wearer geographical location accompanying each data sets from SmarKo device (skin temperature, oxygen saturation and pulse). The information on SmarKo wearer position was used to create a map of these individual distribution in the area considered in the trial scenario. So, the authorities have at their disposal a real-time image of the health state in the analyzed community. 

2022, August

For the simulation data regarding an influenza pandemic that includes 7 localities from Calarasi county – Romania, considered in the IVN-Ro TRIAL, the IVN partner proposed a model for their representation, intuitive on the map. In this way, the authorities involved in the management of the pandemic have the possibility of viewing the number of suspects, hospitalized, intubated and deceased, separated for each type, both in the form of tables and as graphic representations.

2022, September

IVN prepared the communication with the title “Stamina – intelligent support for stress management in the pandemic” which received the III prize in the E-posters section at the 5th edition of Stress Congress, a national event with international participation, organized between 06-08 October 2022, under the High Patronage of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, in collaboration with the Ana Aslan International Foundation

Stress Congress – Editia V – 2022 – List of prizes


The IVN partner carried out preparation activities for the DR2 stage of the IVN-Ro trial, an event scheduled to take place online on October 5, 2022. These included sending the participation invitation to solution providers and stakeholders, analyzing and systematizing the preliminary results of the 10 STAMINA tools selected for the IVN-Ro trial (SmarKo, WSMA, FACS, DMHT, EWS, ENGAGE, CHARM, CrisisHub, EMT, PPT), writing evaluation questionnaires for 5 tools, developing a data collection plan and identification of KPIs for 3 tools.

2022, October

On October 28, 2022, at the headquarters of the Red Cross Bucharest – Romania, the workshop for the IVN-Ro trial took place. On this occasion, the members of the IVN team supported all interventions in the workshop, namely the presentation of the STAMINA project, the presentation of the scenario for the trial, presentations of the 10 tools selected for the test ((SmarKo, WSMA, FACS, DMHT, EWS, ENGAGE, CHARM, CrisisHub, EMT, PPT). The event was attended by representatives from the following authorities: General Directorate of Medical Emergencies, the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, Bucharest Prefecture, Bucharest City Hall, as well as members of the Romanian partners IVN, Red Cross, and BEIA.

2022, November

Members of the IVN team published two articles in Vaccines journal (IF = 3.641) two articles, presented six papers at the traditional Congress of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila Bucharest which brings together over 7000 participants annually.; vaccines11010035

Knowledge, attitudes and practices of pregnant women regarding syphilis prophylaxis (ID 407); Hepatitis B prophylaxis in pregnant women (ID 405); HPV infection and HPV vaccination: knowledge and facts among young girls in Romania (ID 399); Knowledge, attitudes and practices of pregnant women regarding SARS-COV-2 infection; Infections associated with the medical act – an important public health problem (ID 412); Antimicrobial resistance profile of strains isolated from urinary tract infections (ID 449).

2022, December

The Romanian trial, executed as a table-top exercise, took place on December 7, 2022.  During the trial were tested online 10 STAMINA tools (SmarKo, WSMA, FACS, DMHT-IPT, EWS, ENGAGE, CHARM, CrisisHub, EMT, PPT), according to the elaborated scenario. The event was attended by 53 participants (19 from the STAMINA partners, representing all 10 tools tested in the trial and 34 from Romania, partners in project and representatives from the Romanian authorities with responsibilities in the management of pandemics / epidemics and stakeholders, as well as other entities interested in managing pandemics).



2023, January

Romanian workshop, organized by IVN, took place in three stages, onsite (in Bucharest, October 18, 28) and online (December 7). It was attended by authorities at national and local level, first responders, tool owners, etc. (more than 60) The main key point was the demonstration of the tools’ functionalities in the context of the TRIAL scenario. As outcome is the identification of usefulness of 10 tools in the management of a pandemic, with original contributions from the IVN.

Stackholders Workshop for TRIAL IVN-Ro


