ACTION 1.1.4 Attracting high-level personnel from abroad in order to enhance the RD capacity
Project title: Molecular Profiling of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and Acute Myeloid Leukemia for Designing Early Diagnostic, Prognostic and Treatment Strategies (MYELOAL – EDIAPROT)
ID / Cod My SMIS: P 37_798/106774
Contract No: 149/26.10.2016
Proposals for new projects or integrations into existing networks:
- COST Action OC-2016-2-21379 – Supporting young researchers to target hyper-activated STAT-transcription factors in neoplasia
Acronym: STATNET
Coordinator: Prof Richard MORIGGL, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Cancer Research, Vienna, Austria - COST Action CA 16113 – CliniMark: “good biomarker practice” to increase the number of clinically validated biomarkers ( the entry of Romania in the network 5 April 2017
Acronym: CliniMark
Coordinator (MC Chair): Dr Theo M. LUIDER, ERASMUS UNIVERSITAIR MEDISCH CENTRUM ROTTERDAM, Holland - H2020 – SwafS-2016-17 SCIENCE WITH AND FOR SOCIETY/Topic: SwafS-10-2017: Puting Open Science into action (RIA Research and Innovation Action)- Puting Open Science into drug discovery. Identification of new Abl-tyrosine kinase inhibitors as potential anticancer drugs. Discovery of new drug candidates for treatment of several cancers.
Proposal ID: 788344
Acronym: ABL-Action
Coordinator: Dr. Francesca Incardona, Informapro, Roma, Italy
Presentations at Symposia/Conferences/Congresses:
- Academician Nicolae Cajal Symposium, Bucharest, 30 March-1 April 2017, Molecular Profiling of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and Acute Myeloid Leukemia for Designing Early Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Treatment Strategies – initiating the project COP A1.1.4, Stefan N. Constantinescu, Carmen C. Diaconu, Daniel Coriu, Gabriela Anton, Simona Ruta, C. N. Zaharia, Coralia Bleotu, Lorelei Brasoveanu, Cristiana Tanase, Elena Ionel, Felicia Iordache
- First Translational Personalized Oncology Symposium for Fighting Cancer – Stop Cancer, Bucharest, 21-23 April 2017, Investigarea profilului molecular al neoplasmelor mieloproliferative și al leucemiei acute mieloide pentru designul unor strategii de diagnostic precoce, prognostic și tratament, CC Diaconu
- The 11th National Cytometry Congress, Bucharest, 19-21 October 2017, Refractory anemia with excess of blasts associated with marked thrombocythemia – a case report. Popa Codruta, Gheorghe Anca, Dobrete Nicoleta, Serban Catalin , Vasilache Didona, Grigoras Oana, Jardan Cerasela, Diaconu Carmen, Mambet Cristina, Tatic Aurelia
Scientific publications:
Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 2016, 19, 1-10 DOI: 10.2174/1386207319666161 010163825 ; (Web of Science/ISI IF 1,205); publicata in 2017; A Phenotypic Screen for Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Constitutively Active Mutant Thrombopoietin Receptor Implicated in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms; Anna Ngo, Ann Zhufang Koay, Christian Pecquet, Carmen C. Diaconu, Yasmine Ould-Amer, Qiwei Huang, Congbao Kang, Anders Poulsen, May Ann Lee, David Jenkins, Andrew Shiau, Stefan N. Constantinescu, Meng Ling Choong
Equipment purchases:
Ultra-Low Freezer (-860C)
Low Freezer (-300C)
IT equipment:
- PC
- Notebook (2)
- Multifunctional equipment (color laser printer scanner)