Acțiunea: A 1.1.4 Atragerea de personal cu competențe avansate din străinătate pentru consolidarea capacității de CD
Denumire Proiect: Stabilirea Profilului Molecular al Neoplasmelor Mieloproliferative și al Leucemiei Acute Mieloide pentru Designul unor Strategii de Diagnostic Precoce, Prognostic și Tratament (MYELOAL – EDIAPROT)
ID / Cod My SMIS: P 37_798/106774
Nr. Contract: 149/26.10.2016
Proposals for new projects or integrations into existing networks:
EU- HORIZON-EIC-2023- PATHFINDEROPEN-01/Topic: Horizon-EIC-2023- Pathfinder Challenges -01-03-Precision Nutrition
Acronim: OPEN
Proposal ID: 101161161 (depus 17/10/2023)
Coordonator stiintific: Dr. Anna Scotto d’Abusco -Universita degli Studi di Roma la Sapienta -Italia
Scientific publications:
Current Issues in Molecular Biology 2023, 45, 1655-1680. Aspects of Hypoxic Stress Effects in Chronic Ethanol Exposure of Neuronal Cells. Stoica S.I., Onose G., Pitica I.M., Neagu A.I., Ion G., Matei L., Dragu L.D., Radu L.-E., Chivu-Economescu M., Necula L.G., Anghelescu A., Diaconu C.C., Munteanu C., Bleotu C.
World J Hepatol 2023; 15(11): 1188-1195 [PMID: 38075009 DOI: 10.4254/wjh.v15.i11.1188]. Risk of hepatitis B reactivation in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms treated with ruxolitinib. Adesola AA, Cozma MA, Chen YF, Srichawla BS, Găman MA.
World J Cardiol 2023; 15(11): 571-581 [PMID: 38058401 DOI: 10.4330/wjc.v15.i11.571]. Acute myocardial infarction in myeloproliferative neoplasms. Manan MR, Kipkorir V, Nawaz I, Waithaka MW, Srichawla BS, Găman AM, Diaconu CC, Găman MA.
Scientific public-private co-publications:
Frontiers in Oncology, 29 September 2023, 13. Leukemic conversion involving RAS mutations of type 1 CALR-mutated primary myelofibrosis in a patient treated for HCV cirrhosis: a case report. Gurban P, Mambet C, Botezatu A, Necula LG, Neagu AI, Matei L, Pitica IM, Nedeianu S, Chivu-Economescu M, Bleotu C, Ataman M, Mocanu G, Saguna C, Pavel AG, Stambouli D, Sepulchre E, Anton G, Diaconu CC, Constantinescu SN
A100346 / 30.06.2023 – Method for assessing the efficiency of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) xenotransplant in a murine animal model.
A100572 / 17.10.2023 – Method for evaluating the specific and selective inhibitory potential for a defined molecular target
A100597 / 23.10.2023 – Test for the targeted detection of methylation in myeloproliferative neoplasms